
Color change

Color change (Potion)

Category: Mutations

[Potion item]: Snack Sorbet

ThisĀ  mutation allows for a completely new palette to be added, allowing the leech to swap between the two at will.

Occasionally a leech has been known to develop chromatophores, the same skin color alteration found in octopi and cuttlefish. While not able to sport the wild color and pattern flashes and movement of their cephalopod friends, leeches with color change have been known to flicker rapidly between two different sets of colors.
Despite hopeful breeders, the pattern on the leech's body remains the same.

Note: This is not a free reign ticket to swap out a leech's palette on redesign; it is a trait. The leech's main colors should be its primary image, with the second palette added as an alternative.

Only one additional palette per upgrade can be added; multiple palettes will require multiple items.

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